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How is it already September??

We're at the close of Quarter 1 and the beginning of Quarter 2, track out is nearly upon us, and we've already covered so much in the last 8 weeks! There are lots of updates in this newsletter, so please read carefully.


The GoPlaySAVE fundraiser was very successful! Thank you to everyone for helping out. We had all of our books either accounted for or sold (plus more!). You are all outstanding!

Fall Conferences

In October, I'll be offering conferences after Q1 Report Cards go out. Please be on the lookout for more information, as well as a Sign Up Genius link to snag your spot.

DATA Walls

As assessments are put into Daily Binders, please insure you're signing your child's DATA Wall to confirm you've seen their scores. Thank you for your attention to this detail!

Afternoon Snacks

Each day during snack time, I consistently have several kiddos who don't have a snack. If you'd like to help provide some snacks, (small chip bags, goldfish, etc) please let me know. It's greatly appreciated!

PLT Days

Throughout the year, our 3rd grade team has opportunities to meet, plan, and discuss the upcoming curriculum. These are called PLT days. On these days, classes throughout the whole school will be eating lunch in their classrooms, so please refrain from lunch visitors on those days. Thank you!

Field Trips

Field Trip permission slips were sent home last week. Please ensure that you sign and return those by this Friday, August 30. I've created a Google Form to take inventory of what type of lunch students will need on the day of our Planetarium Field Trip. Please fill this out at your earliest convenience.

We are allowed 2 chaperones per each class going to the Planetarium. Please let me know if you'd like to join us!

ClassDojo Updates

I know there have been some issues with not receiving message notifications with ClassDojo. Please let me know if you're having any trouble. We've also made the switch in the classroom from using Dojo points to Red Tickets (something tangible for kiddos!). If you've noticed a sudden drop in earned Dojo points, this is why! Red tickets are used in the same way, but this allows students to keep track of their own amount they've earned and work to continue earning for their positive behavior!

Are you getting the MES Principal's Message?

Mr. Cline sends out bi-weekly updates and posts them online as well. Please make sure to read those to stay up-to-date on the happenings at MES as a whole.

Important Dates to Remember:

Q2 PLT's

September 6, December 5

CogAT Test - Test for AIG services

October 7-9

IOWA - Only selected students who have qualified from the CogAT

November 6-7

Field Trip to the Planetarium

November 22

Tentative Quarter 2 Schedule (assessment dates subject to change)

August 30 - Field Trip Forms Due

October 1 - Track in for Q2

October 8 - Math Unit 3:2 Assessment

October 9 - Literacy Mid Unit 1

October 16-17 - Literacy End of Unit 1

October 21 - Math Unit 4:1 Assessment

October 29 - Literacy Mid Unit 2

November 5 - Literacy End of Unit 2

November 6 - Math Unit 4:2 Assessment

November 14 - Literacy Mid Unit 3

November 19 - Math Unit 4:3 Assessment

November 20 - Literacy End of Unit 3

November 22 - Field Trip to Morehead Planetarium

November 27-29 - Thanksgiving Break

December 6 - Math Unit 5 Assessment

December 9 - January 1 - Track Out and Holiday Break!

January 2 - Track in for Q3

If you have questions, please don't hesitate to ask!

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